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How to identify the best fundraising platform

Written by
Quinn Wilder
May 21, 2024
5 mins
team deciding on something

Fundraising plays a pivotal role in the sustainability and growth of nonprofit organizations. It's the lifeblood that empowers them to pursue their missions and make a meaningful impact on the causes they champion. In today's digital age, the choice of a fundraising platform can significantly influence an organization's ability to raise funds efficiently and effectively.

The importance of choosing the right fundraising platform

Selecting the right fundraising platform is akin to choosing the right vehicle for a long journey. It can make the difference between a smooth, successful ride and a bumpy, challenging one. The platform you choose will be the backbone of your fundraising efforts, affecting everything from donor engagement to financial management.

In this blog, we'll delve into the critical factors you should consider when identifying the best fundraising platform for your nonprofit. We understand that this decision is a strategic one, impacting your organization's ability to achieve its goals and make a positive change in the world.

The impact of fundraising on nonprofit organizations

Fundraising isn't just about collecting donations; it's about fueling a mission, effecting change, and transforming lives. For nonprofit organizations, successful fundraising can mean the difference between merely existing and making a significant impact in their communities and beyond.

The funds raised through these platforms enable nonprofits to advance their initiatives, provide crucial services, and address pressing issues. It's the financial backbone that empowers them to create positive change, advocate for their causes, and fulfill their missions.

Identifying the best fundraising platform

The purpose of this blog is to guide nonprofit organizations, fundraisers, and changemakers in identifying the best fundraising platform for their unique needs and goals. We'll explore the key considerations, essential features, and practical tips that will empower you to make an informed decision.

By the end of this blog, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and insights necessary to select a fundraising platform that aligns seamlessly with your organization's vision and maximizes your potential to raise funds, engage donors, and create a lasting impact. Let's embark on this journey to discover the ideal fundraising solution for your noble cause.

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Understanding Your Fundraising Needs

Before diving into the world of online fundraising platforms, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your organization's specific needs and objectives. This initial step sets the foundation for a successful fundraising campaign. Here's how to navigate this critical phase:

Assessing your organization's goals

  1. Define your financial targets: Determine the amount of funds you need to raise for your cause or project.
  2. Identify your mission and purpose: Clearly outline the reason behind your fundraising efforts.
  3. Set realistic milestones: Break down your fundraising goals into manageable segments to track progress effectively.
  4. Consider long-term sustainability: Think about how your fundraising efforts fit into your organization's overall financial strategy.

Identifying your target audience

  1. Define your ideal donor persona: Create a profile of your most likely and valuable donors, including demographics, interests, and motivations.
  2. Segment your audience: Categorize donors based on their level of engagement or giving capacity.
  3. Analyze past donors: Review data from previous campaigns to identify trends and preferences among your supporters.
  4. Consider potential partnerships: Explore collaborations with businesses, sponsors, or community groups that align with your cause.

Determining the type of fundraising campaign

  1. Choose the right campaign type: Decide if your campaign will be a one-time event, an ongoing initiative, or a combination of both.
  2. Explore campaign themes: Consider whether your campaign will focus on specific projects, emergency relief, general operations, or special occasions.
  3. Decide on the fundraising method: Determine whether you'll use crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraising, event-based campaigns, or traditional donation drives.
  4. Set a timeline: Establish the start and end dates for your campaign, including any crucial milestones or events along the way.

By taking the time to thoroughly assess your organization's goals, target audience, and campaign type, you'll be better prepared to choose the most suitable fundraising platform to support your mission effectively.

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Types of Fundraising Platforms

When it comes to selecting the best online fundraising tools and platform for your organization, it's essential to understand the various types available. Each type has its unique features and strengths, catering to different fundraising needs and goals. Here are the main types of online fundraising tools and platforms to consider:

Crowdfunding platforms

Crowdfunding platforms have gained immense popularity in recent years. They provide a space for individuals and organizations to create campaigns and raise funds from a large pool of contributors. These platforms often utilize the power of social sharing, allowing donors to promote campaigns to their networks. Crowdfunding platforms are excellent for time-sensitive projects or campaigns that benefit from widespread exposure.

  • Kickstarter: A well-known crowdfunding platform that supports a wide range of creative projects and initiatives.
  • Indiegogo: Similar to Kickstarter, it allows individuals and organizations to raise funds for various creative endeavors.

Peer-to-peer fundraising platforms

Peer-to-peer fundraising platforms empower supporters of your cause to become advocates and fundraisers themselves. Participants create personal fundraising pages linked to a central campaign. They then reach out to their networks, encouraging friends, family, and colleagues to contribute. This approach leverages the personal connections of supporters to raise money, expanding your reach and impact.

  • GoFundMe: A popular platform that enables individuals and nonprofits to create personal fundraising pages and share them with their networks.
  • Classy: Known for its peer-to-peer fundraising capabilities, it offers tools for nonprofits to engage supporters in fundraising efforts.

Event fundraising platforms

Event fundraising platforms are designed to streamline the management of fundraising events, such as charity runs, gala dinners, or auctions. These platforms facilitate event registration, ticket sales, and donation collection. They often include features for promoting the event, tracking attendance, recurring donations, and managing participant information and donation forms.

  • OneCause: While primarily an event management platform, Eventbrite includes features for ticketing, registration, and fundraising for events.
  • Event.Gives: A comprehensive fundraising platform that specializes in event management, allowing organizations to seamlessly integrate fundraising into their events.

Donation and payment processing platforms

Donation and payment processing platforms primarily focus on efficiently collecting and processing financial contributions. They are commonly used by nonprofits to securely accept donations online, process donations, manage recurring donations, create donor profiles, and provide donors with different payment options. While they excel at processing payments, they may lack the broader fundraising features found in comprehensive platforms.

  • PayPal Giving Fund: A platform that facilitates online donations to nonprofits and provides secure payment processing options.
  • Stripe: Offers payment processing solutions that can be integrated into nonprofit websites to collect donations.

Comprehensive fundraising platforms

Comprehensive fundraising platforms are all-in-one fundraising solutions, that offer a wide range of fundraising tools and features. These platforms often include elements of crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraising, event management, donation and payment processing fee,, and more. They are ideal for organizations looking for a unified system to manage various fundraising campaigns and donor relationships.

  • DonorPerfect: A comprehensive fundraising CRM that combines donor management, online fundraising, and reporting.
  • Event.Gives: An all-in-one fundraising platform that includes crowdfunding, event management, peer-to-peer fundraising, and donation processing, making it a versatile choice for nonprofits.
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Key Considerations in Choosing a Fundraising Platform

When it comes to selecting the best fundraising platform for your organization, there are several critical factors to consider. These considerations will play a pivotal role in determining which platform aligns most effectively with your fundraising goals and strategies.

Ease of use and user-friendliness

One of the foremost considerations is the ease of use and overall user-friendliness of the platform. Your fundraising team and supporters should be able to navigate the platform with ease, from setting up campaigns to making donations. An intuitive interface and clear navigation can significantly impact the success of your fundraising efforts, as they reduce barriers to engagement.

Customization and branding options

Your organization's brand and identity are essential aspects of your digital fundraising campaigns. Look for a platform that offers robust customization and branding options. This allows you to tailor the digital fundraising experience to match your organization's aesthetics, messaging, and values. A platform that allows you to create a branded and cohesive campaign experience can help strengthen your brand's presence in the eyes of your donors.

Fundraising fees and pricing structures

Understanding the cost structure of a fundraising platform is crucial. Different platforms may have varying fee structures, including platform fees, transaction fees, and processing fees. It's essential to evaluate these fees and determine how they align with your budget and fundraising goals. Some platforms may offer competitive rates, while others may provide added features that justify higher monthly platform fees alone.

Payment processing options

Payment processing is at the heart of fundraising, and the platform you choose should offer a range of multiple payment methods and options to accommodate your donors' preferences. Consider whether the platform supports various payment methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, mobile wallets, and more. A diverse range of payment options can make it easier for donors to contribute to your cause.

Reporting and analytics features

Data is a valuable asset in fundraising, and a platform with robust reporting and analytics features can provide insights that help you refine your strategies. Look for a platform that offers detailed reporting on campaign performance, donor behavior, and contribution trends. Analytics tools can help you understand what's working, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your fundraising efforts over time.

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Features to Look for in a Fundraising Platform

When it comes to identifying the best fundraising platform for your organization, it's essential to consider a range of features that can greatly impact the success of your crowdfunding campaigns. Here, we'll delve into these critical features in more detail, providing insights into what to look for when evaluating potential fundraising platforms for nonprofits.

Mobile Optimization

One of the first features to prioritize is mobile optimization. In today's digital age, a significant portion of donors engage with fundraising campaigns through their mobile devices. Therefore, the fundraising platform you choose must offer a responsive and user-friendly mobile experience. This ensures that potential donors can easily navigate your campaign pages, make contributions, and engage with your cause on their smartphones and tablets.

Social media integration

Effective fundraising often relies on reaching a broader audience, and social media plays a pivotal role in achieving this. Look for a platform that seamlessly integrates with various social media channels. This integration should enable you to share campaign updates, engage with supporters, and encourage them to share your cause with their networks. A fundraising platform with robust social media integration can significantly amplify the reach and impact of your campaigns.

Email marketing tools

Email communication remains a powerful tool in the world of fundraising. A fundraising platform that offers built-in email marketing tools can simplify your outreach efforts. These tools should allow you to create and send targeted email campaigns, automate donor communication, and track the effectiveness of your email campaigns through analytics. Effective email marketing can nurture donor relationships and drive engagement.

Donor management and CRM capabilities

Managing donor relationships is a fundamental aspect of successful fundraising. A robust fundraising platform should offer donor management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) capabilities. This allows you to store donor information, track interactions, segment your donor base, and personalize your communications. A CRM system empowers you to build stronger connections with your supporters and tailor your fundraising strategies accordingly.

Fundraising event management

If your organization hosts fundraising events, consider a platform that includes event management features. These tools can streamline event planning, the event registration,, ticketing, and promotion. Additionally, they can facilitate the integration of event-specific fundraising campaigns into your larger fundraising efforts. Fundraising event management features simplify the logistics of organizing and executing successful events.

Security and compliance features

The security of donor data and compliance with relevant regulations are non-negotiable aspects of online fundraising solutions. Ensure that the platform you choose prioritizes security and offers robust compliance features. This includes encryption for sensitive data, secure payment processing, and adherence to industry standards. Compliance features should encompass data protection regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), if applicable. Demonstrating a commitment to data security and compliance not only safeguards your donors but also builds trust in your organization.

Incorporating these essential features into your fundraising platform evaluation process will enable you to make a well-informed decision. Each feature contributes to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your fundraising campaigns, ensuring that you can reach, engage, and retain donors while adhering to essential security and compliance standards.

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Tips for Evaluating Fundraising Platform Reviews

When evaluating online fundraising platforms themselves, it's crucial to rely on user reviews to gain insights into the experiences of others who have used the online giving platform before. User reviews offer valuable perspectives on the platform's performance, usability, and overall effectiveness. Here are some tips for effectively evaluating online fundraising platform reviews:

Understanding the value of user reviews

User reviews provide a firsthand account of individuals or organizations who have utilized the fundraising platform. These reviews often highlight the platform's strengths and weaknesses from the user's perspective. It's essential to recognize the significance of user reviews in making an informed decision.

User reviews can offer insights into various aspects of the platform, such as its ease of use, customer support, and the overall satisfaction of users. Reading through these reviews can help you gauge whether the platform aligns with your organization's specific needs and goals.

Keep in mind that while user reviews can be incredibly informative, they may also be subjective. It's essential to consider the context and objectives of the reviewers when assessing their feedback. Look for reviews from organizations or individuals with similar fundraising goals to yours to ensure relevancy.

Identifying credible review sources

Not all review sources are created equal, and it's vital to identify credible and trustworthy top online fundraising platforms or websites where online fundraising platform reviews are posted. Reliable review sources often have established reputations for providing unbiased and accurate assessments.

To identify credible review sources for auction software, consider checking industry-specific websites, nonprofit forums, or platforms dedicated to fundraising software and technology. These sources are more likely to feature reviews from individuals or organizations with relevant experiences in the nonprofit, auction platform and fundraising sectors.

Additionally, be cautious of reviews that seem overly promotional or biased. Some reviews may be influenced by marketing efforts, so it's crucial to cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure a well-rounded perspective.

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Assessing Fundraising Platform Support and Resources

When it comes to identifying the best online fundraising platform for your organization, assessing the support and resources offered by the platform provider is a crucial step. This section will delve into three vital aspects that can greatly impact your online fundraising platform for success: the availability of customer support, training and educational resources, and community and peer support.

Availability of customer support

The level of customer support provided by a fundraising platform can significantly influence your experience. Before making a choice, inquire about the platform's customer support channels, such as email, phone, or live chat. Consider the platform's response time and availability during critical times, like campaign launches or urgent issues. Responsive and accessible customer support can help you address challenges promptly, ensuring a smoother fundraising journey.

Training and educational resources

Fundraising platforms that offer comprehensive training and educational resources can empower your organization to make the most of their features. Look for platforms that provide tutorials, webinars, guides, and documentation to help you navigate their tools effectively. The availability of training materials can reduce the learning curve for your team and maximize the platform's potential for successful fundraising campaigns.

Community and peer support

Being part of a community of like-minded organizations and fundraisers can offer valuable insights and support. Some top fundraising tools and platforms have dedicated online communities or forums where users can share experiences, seek advice, and collaborate. Peer support can be invaluable in learning best practices, troubleshooting issues, and staying updated on industry trends. Consider platforms that foster a sense of community to connect with peers who share your fundraising goals.

In evaluating potential fundraising platforms, remember that the level of support and resources provided can vary widely. Prioritize platforms that align with your organization's needs and preferences in these critical areas to ensure a successful fundraising partnership.

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Integration with Existing Software and Systems

In the digital age, nonprofit organizations rely on a multitude of software tools and systems to streamline their operations and connect with donors effectively. When choosing a top fundraising software platform for nonprofits, one of the crucial factors to consider is its ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing software and systems. This integration can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your fundraising efforts.

The importance of seamless integration

Seamless integration is paramount because it ensures that your fundraising platform can work harmoniously with the software and systems you already have in place. This means that donor data collected through your fundraising platform can effortlessly flow into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, allowing for a consolidated view of your supporters. It also means that you can sync your email marketing tools, helping you communicate more effectively with donors and potential supporters.

Without seamless integration, your organization may face data silos and inefficiencies. Data duplication, manual data entry, and the inability to sync important information between platforms can hinder your ability to engage donors and track their interactions accurately. This can result in missed opportunities and decreased productivity.

Compatibility with CRM, email marketing, and other tools

When assessing a fundraising platform's compatibility, pay close attention to its ability to integrate with CRM systems, email marketing platforms, and any other software that your organization relies on. A fundraising platform that seamlessly integrates with your CRM allows you to centralize donor information, track contributions, gather donations, and gain deeper insights into donor behavior.

Additionally, email marketing integration enables you to communicate with donors more effectively. You can segment your donor list, personalize messages, and automate campaigns, all of which contribute to a more targeted and engaging donor experience.

Furthermore, consider other tools and systems your organization uses, such as accounting software, event management platforms, or volunteer management tools. A fundraising platform that offers integrations with these systems can streamline your overall operations, making it easier to manage various aspects of your nonprofit's activities.

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Making a Decision: Factors to Prioritize

When it comes to selecting the best fundraising platform for your organization, it's crucial to take a thoughtful and strategic approach. Here, we'll delve into the key factors you should prioritize in making this significant decision.

Weighing the pros and cons

Before settling on a fundraising platform, it's essential to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons associated with each option you're considering. This evaluation process involves not only examining the features and capabilities offered by the platform but also considering how they align with your organization's specific needs and objectives.

Start by creating a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each fundraising platform under consideration. Assess the user-friendliness, customization options, pricing structures, and reporting tools of each platform. Pay close attention to user reviews and testimonials of online giving platforms, as they can provide valuable insights into the real-world experiences of organizations similar to yours.

Furthermore, consider the potential challenges and limitations that may arise with each platform. Are there any hidden costs? Does the platform's payment processing align with your organization's preferred methods? Does it offer the level of support and resources you require? Weighing these pros and cons will help you make an informed decision that minimizes the risk of encountering unforeseen issues down the road.

Aligning the platform with your organization's goals

The alignment between the chosen fundraising platform and your organization's overarching goals is paramount to your success. Every nonprofit or fundraising campaign has unique objectives, whether it's raising funds for a specific project, expanding your donor base, or increasing awareness of your cause.

To ensure a seamless fit, start by clearly defining your organization's goals. What do you aim to achieve through your fundraising efforts? Are you primarily focused on financial targets, or do you also aim to strengthen donor relationships and engagement? Understanding these goals will serve as your compass when evaluating potential platforms.

Next, assess how well each fundraising platform aligns with these objectives. Does it offer the features and tools necessary to meet your specific goals? For instance, if your primary aim is to expand your donor base, consider platforms with robust donor management and CRM capabilities. If you're focusing on event fundraising, ensure the platform supports event management features.

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The Implementation Process

Once you've selected the virtual fundraising platform that aligns with your organization's needs and goals, it's time to embark on the implementation process. This crucial phase of virtual fundraising often involves setting up your fundraising campaign, ensuring all the necessary elements are in place, and then launching and promoting it to maximize its impact.

Setting up your fundraising campaign

Setting up your campaign is where the rubber meets the road. Begin by creating a compelling campaign page on your chosen fundraising platform. This page will serve as the central hub for your campaign and should effectively convey your mission, goals, and the impact donors can make. Customize the page to reflect your organization's branding and messaging to provide a consistent and trustworthy experience for potential donors.

Next, clearly define your fundraising goals, whether it's a specific monetary target, the number of donors you aim to reach, or a particular milestone you want to achieve. Your goals should be both realistic and achievable within the campaign's timeframe.

Determine the duration of your campaign. Is it a short-term, intensive push, or a more extended effort? Choose a start and end date that aligns with your objectives and the urgency of your cause.

Develop a compelling story that tells potential donors why their contributions are vital. Incorporate powerful visuals, testimonials, and statistics that emotionally resonate with your audience and drive home the impact they can make by participating.

Launching and promoting your campaign

Once your campaign page is ready, it's time for the exciting launch phase. Begin by rallying your organization's supporters, including staff, volunteers, and existing donors, to be the first wave of contributors. This initial burst of activity helps create momentum and credibility for your campaign.

Leverage your organization's social media channels, email lists, and website to spread the word about your fundraising campaign. Craft persuasive and shareable messages that inspire individuals to become advocates for your cause.

Engage your donors and supporters by providing regular updates on the progress of your campaign. Transparency builds trust and encourages continued support. Share campaign success stories, milestones, and any impact achieved along the way.

Consider running special events or promotions tied to your campaign launch. Live-streamed events, webinars, or virtual gatherings can help generate excitement and encourage participation.

Explore partnerships and collaborations with other organizations or influencers in your field who can amplify your campaign's reach. Collaborative efforts often yield greater results.

The implementation process is a dynamic and engaging phase where you bring your fundraising vision to life. By carefully setting up your campaign and effectively promoting it, you'll be well on your way to achieving your fundraising goals and making a significant impact on the causes that matter most to your organization.

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Post-Implementation: Tracking and Analyzing Results

After successfully launching your fundraising campaign on the chosen platform, the work doesn't stop there. The post-implementation phase is equally crucial in ensuring the campaign's success and making meaningful improvements for future initiatives.

Monitoring campaign progress

Once your campaign is live, it's essential to continually monitor its progress. This involves regularly checking the platform's dashboard to keep a close eye on the metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your organization. These metrics may include the total funds raised, the number of donors, donation frequency, and more.

By closely tracking campaign progress, you can identify trends and patterns. For example, you might notice that certain days or times of the week yield more donations. Additionally, you can assess which marketing channels are driving the most traffic and donations to your campaign.

Beyond the quantitative data, pay attention to donor engagement. Review comments, messages, and feedback from supporters on the platform and social media. This qualitative information can provide valuable insights into donor sentiment and help tailor your communication strategies.

Using analytics to make improvements

Analytics are a powerful tool for refining your fundraising strategy. Most modern fundraising platforms offer robust analytics and reporting features. Take advantage of these tools to gain a deeper understanding of your campaign's performance.

Start by conducting a comprehensive analysis of the data collected during the campaign. Look for areas where the campaign exceeded expectations and areas where it fell short. Identify any bottlenecks in the donation process or on donation pages where potential donors drop off.

Use A/B testing to experiment with different elements of your campaign, such as the your donation page, form, donation page design, email subject lines, or social media messaging. Analyze the results to determine which variations drive better outcomes.

Don't forget to segment your donor data. This allows you to tailor your communications to specific donor groups. For example, you can send personalized thank-you messages to recurring donors or create targeted campaigns for first-time supporters.

Regularly reviewing analytics also enables you to set realistic fundraising goals for future campaigns. By understanding the trends and patterns in your data, you can make informed decisions about the timing, messaging, and strategies for your next fundraising initiative.

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Summarizing the key takeaways

In conclusion, selecting the right fundraising platform is a pivotal decision for any nonprofit organization or individual seeking to raise funds for a cause. It is not a one-size-fits-all situation, as each fundraising campaign has unique goals and requirements. Throughout this blog, we've explored the various aspects to consider when identifying the best fundraising platform to meet your needs effectively.

One key takeaway is the importance of aligning the chosen platform with your organization's specific goals and target audience. Understanding the types of fundraising platforms available, assessing features and pricing structures, and evaluating customer support and integration capabilities are all critical steps in making an informed decision.

Additionally, staying mindful of hidden costs and data security considerations will help you avoid surprises down the road and ensure the safety of donor information.

As you embark on your fundraising journey, remember that the platform you choose to raise money should empower you to create engaging campaigns, reach your donors effectively, and maximize your fundraising potential. It's not just about raising funds; it's about making a lasting impact on the causes you are passionate about.

Ready to choose the best fundraising platform for your organization? Look no further than Event.Gives!

Our platform is designed to cater to the unique needs of fundraisers, providing user-friendly fundraising features throughout, real-time analytics, and a commitment to helping you succeed. Don't miss the opportunity to take your fundraising efforts to new heights – harness the power of Event.Gives today and start making a significant difference for the causes that matter most to you. Get started now and watch your fundraising soar!

Want to know more about Event.Gives? Book a call! 

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